Pool Signage: Following Regulations Has Never Looked So Great

Pools and Southern California are a natural pair. Los Angeles County alone has over 250,000 swimming pools! But having a pool on your commercial property comes with a great deal of responsibility. One of the strictest bits of legislation in the county deals with signage at and around swimming pools. But just because you need to be compliant doesn’t mean …

Give Your Business Character with an Illuminated Lobby Sign

Your logo, your exterior signage, and your advertising play a large role in branding your business and giving it credibility and memorability. But one of the most important and most often overlooked ways to connect your office to your clients is your lobby or reception area. When a client walks into your office, your lobby signage is their first experience …

Safety Signage for Manufacturing Facilities

Safety at manufacturing facilities is among a Factory Manager’s most important concerns. For owners, managers, employees, and clients alike, knowing that that the facility is safe and compliant is of high importance for everyone. There are many ways to keep a manufacturing facility safe, starting with good leadership, policies, and incentives for safety. But one other major key to keeping …

Motivational Office Signs Support a Positive and Creative Culture

Most businesses think of signage primarily as something that draws in potential customers. And for good reason. Using your signage to attract business is a major key to your company’s success. However, there is another often forgotten use for signage and graphics that can be very helpful to a business: creating a positive and motivating environment. Displaying custom motivational and …

Muse Ceiling Mounted Blade Sign

Blade Signs Help Customers on Foot Locate your Business

Attracting customers on foot takes a totally different approach than attracting customers driving in cars. For one thing, people in cars are passing at a high rate of speed, so there is little time for subtlety and fine print. For another thing, people in cars are seldom very close to the physical businesses when driving on the road, so signs …

Promote Inclusiveness and Improve Accessibility with ADA-Friendly Signage

The Americans with Disabilities Act, commonly known as the ADA, was passed in 1990 to prohibit discrimination based on a physical disability. One of the major areas impacted by the ADA is signage. The act makes sure that certain types of signage are easily read by people with visual impairments. ADA compliant signs enhance accessibility and navigability of buildings more …

City Permitting Process for Building and Monument Signs

The thought of getting permits for a signage project can be a real pain point for business owners and commercial tenants. It’s easy to understand how complicated a task it is to balance the codes and ordinances set in place by your local government against the rules and requirements of the building owner or property manager while still creating the …

Vehicle Graphics: Design, Fabrication and Installation

At Starfish Signs, we are firm believers in the benefits of vehicle graphics for businesses: it’s a cost-effective way to market your business all over your region. In fact, our own fleet of wrapped vehicles has led more than one of prospective client to reach out to us after seeing our vehicles around town. Getting graphics or a wrap for …

Handicapped Accessible Parking Signs

Are your sure that the handicapped accessible parking spaces and signage at your business are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? The Americans with Disabilities Act requires public accommodations to provide goods and services to people with disabilities on an equal basis as the rest of the general public, and includes specific requirements related to handicapped parking. …

Attract More Customers to Your Retail Business with High Quality, Visible Signage

When is the last time you thought about the importance of your retail signage? Creative, effective, high impact signage is critically important to the success of your retail business.  Signs that are clearly visible to people passing your location, such as from sidewalks for pedestrian traffic, or highways for vehicular traffic, can make a huge difference in your success and …