The Sign Research Foundation (SRF) is the only research organization advancing the science, technology, design, placement and regulation of signs. We recently reviewed the comprehensive report titled Retail Signage: Practice to Increase Return on Investment.

Here are some important highlights from the Retail Signage: Practice to Increase Return on Investment report, and from that can impact your business:
- 35% of passersby wouldn’t know your business was there without your sign
- Sales revenue increases by an average of 7-15% when adding a larger storefront wall sign or a large pole sign
- 85% of customers live or work within a five mile radius of your store, and these customers potentially see your sign between 50 and 60 times per month
With a variety of materials for both internal and external signage available to match your style and your budget, Starfish Signs will help you choose the right signs that can make all the difference to your business. Our signs will enable your business to Stand Out. Be Noticed. Get Results.