Most older signs are illuminated with fluorescent or neon lighting. These signs may have originally looked fine, but with advances in lighting technology, there is a much more cost effective way to illuminate your signage now: LED lighting. LED lighting has a lower carbon footprint and is very cost effective. The cost savings is so significant, in fact, that retrofitting your signs with LED lighting will pay for themselves in 5 years, based just on electricity savings, and in as little as 2-3 years, based on electricity and maintenance savings.
Another challenge of traditional lighting is the difficulty of changing out lights when they burn out. LED lighting lasts far longer than traditional lighting, so you will also save money on paying to have burnt out fluorescent or neon lights replaced. And this is particularly true if your signs are in difficult-to-access locations, as signs commonly are!
Contact Starfish Signs and Graphics today to learn more about LED retrofitting your signage lighting.
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Starfish Signs is located in beautiful San Clemente, CA, and we are well-positioned to provide service to Orange, San Diego, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties.